Ben Gribbin
December 15, 2011
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You may have seen these before as metal MOD parts fitted to Wolf Military Land Rovers, but MUD have reworked the design to create their very own ABS vent.
These vents stop snow, mud & water from entering the win-top heater intake, maintaining optimal heater performance, which is crucial when the mercury heads below zero. MUD's snow cowls will also help prevent a sludgy build up (and eventual blockage) in the bottom of the heater inlet pipe.
The MOD cowls are much more susceptible to damage, as MUD made their cowl from a flexible, tough ABS plastic. Supplied with extra long, stainless steel screws to cater for those with chequer plate kits, these vents are available now for both RHD & LHD models.
MUD Snow Cowls are available now for only £35.00 inc VAT. Check it out on MUD STUFF. We'll be purchasing one soon for review. You can view our reviews of other MUD products here & here.
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8 Almost Useless Land Rover Mods
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