Ben Gribbin
February 16, 2015
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8 Almost Useless Land Rover Mods
11th June 2014
Updated: What Makes a Defender Iconic?
29th November 2011
Occasionally, we come across a Land Rover that is simply awesome. Simon Walker's Defender is one such Landy.
Simon has taken a factory spec TD5 110 and fitted a pizza oven inside. It turns out, a Land Rover is perfectly suited to this task. With a maximum payload of just over a tonne, a Defender can carry the pizza oven, all ingredients and supplies as well as the awning and tables Simon needs for food preparation work. Simon can even drive around with a small fire burning inside! It's self contained rather neatly.
The Landy is ideally suited to working at festivals and events far beyond paved road networks. Simon opted for his 110, dubbed 'Winnie' - after his late nan, over a trailer or alternative vehicles. He knows that with this vehicle, he isn't going to get stuck or be left at a loss when the weather turns bad. Winnie is an amazing vehicle and Simon produces the best pizza I've ever eaten. And I eat pizza a lot... more than 3 times last week!
If you want to book Simon, he is available for public and private hire through his website: The Pizza Guy or on Twitter and Facebook
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FunRover is a place for Land Rover enthusiasts to gather as a community and discuss the best 4x4 vehicles ever produced. We're building a library of high quality resources & articles to help owners along in their Land Rover ownership.
Popular Posts
8 Almost Useless Land Rover Mods
11th June 2014
Updated: What Makes a Defender Iconic?
29th November 2011
How to Plastidip your Land Rover Defender
19th August 2014