Ben Gribbin
September 6, 2011
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Here's 5 more awesome Land Rover sites you need to check out.
Discovery 2
Here's one for owners of TD5 Defender's and Disco 2 owners. The site is a small gold-mine for help with maintenance, fixes, upgrades, mods and then on top of all that you'll find some great product reviews, photos and videos. A brilliant site and one well worth checking out, especially for some of the TD5 faults that can pop up from time to time, such as oil in the ECU / Injector harness or this engine oil changing guide.
Web Rover
Unfortunately, it seems this site has shut up shop for new content, but they've certainly left all the old products for people to take (not a great analogy). Again, another excellent resource, particularly for TD5 owners. Interestingly, the owner now runs a series of Land Rover / Range Rover forums, such as the excellent Defender2.net. This site has a very detailed TD5-centric page, where you'll find all kinds of useful info such as servicing guides and schedules. There's even a TD5 history lesson.
Want to convert your diesel Land Rover to run on cooking oil? This site has a very meaty how-to and is a great read. A lot of the information would easily apply to newer Land Rover engines too! Some other great little nuggets, an MOT check list for you to print out and check your own Landy or this Fuel range / mpg calculator to keep in your cab.
Here's a site that will get you itching to travel around England's plentiful BOAT's and UCR's. Run by Jason, a self-confessed Land Rover nut, this site features videos of his travels, information about places he's visited and a breakdown of the Land Rovers he currently and has owned. Site highlights have to be the video section, but also these driving off-road video guides.
Repair My Land Rover
This is a jackpot when it comes to Land Rover repairing guides, buying tips and videos. We don't want to say we have any favourites, but this is our favourite repair-focussed site, today... There's an excellent Defender buying guide and guides on how to drive off-road as well as repair how-tos for removing prop-shafts to extreme rust removal. It's a must see site for any Land Rover owner of any age or condition.
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FunRover is a place for Land Rover enthusiasts to gather as a community and discuss the best 4x4 vehicles ever produced. We're building a library of high quality resources & articles to help owners along in their Land Rover ownership.
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