Ben Gribbin
August 27, 2011
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Naturally, the PR companies choice of towing vehicle is a Defender
The other day, we were driving through Huddersfield behind a man in a Freelander with the worlds smallest trailer. He would have struggled to carry an M6 bolt and so the trailer was actually quite pointless. However, this got us thinking, surely, somewhere, someone must have made a luxury or high-end trailer. And is it turns out, a German company called Knaus Yat have.
From the rear it actually looks a bit like a Discovery 3 /4.
Firstly, it's not technically just a trailer, but actually a caravan, mini kitchen & portable dining room / sleeping compartment too (YAT stands for Young Activity Trailer). The rear doors swing open and the two beds can be upturned whilst other furniture packs away to create a large, usable trailer. When you think about it, Knuas have come up with a really great idea, that of dual-purpose machinery. Who can afford to drop thousands of pounds on an iFor Williams twin axle trailer these days? But how many people happen to own a caravan?
Knaus have made sure that anything that, in true caravan fashion, furniture will neatly fold away. For example, the dining table can be stored in the rear door. They've made sure that all materials are man enough for the job and they are highly durable. The interior looks to be made of some pretty high quality materials and the overall shape of the trailer is a refreshing change from a beige caravan. In fact, the YAT looks set to make caravanning and trailers cool again!
The YAT in Trailer mode. It's compact but perfect for lugging around non-farm related items.
The YAT would be the perfect vehicle for those of you who do speedway or even Challenge Land Rover competitors. Simply chuck all your spares in the back, bob in a gazebo) and you'll look like a proper racing outfit when you arrive in the muddy car park.
In caravan mode, it's actually very high-spec.
You could fit a spare engine, bike, set of axles or anything in place of that bike and still have somewhere to snooze.
So, ready to get your credit card out for this awesome piece of kit? There's some good news and bad news. The good news, it's priced pretty much in caravan / motor-home territory (US$16,300 to US$23,000). The bad news? Knaus went bankrupt in 2008! So it looks like you'll have to convert your own caravan into a trailer / caravan combo if you'd like something similar. Unless iFor Williams are reading?
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