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According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the leading cause of death for teens in the US is car crashes. The stats indicate that the fatal crash per mile for 16-17 year-olds is almost three times more than the rate for 20+-year-old drivers aged. This is indeed very worrying if you are a parent of a teen who is about to get their license. You can get ahead of things and protect your teenage drivers with these practical tips.
Reasons not to panic
Although having a teen driving in your home can cause some anxiety, you should know that the Graduated Licensing Programs (GDL) in most states make things easier. GDL programs ensure that strict driving rules are adhered to. And aside from this, a certain level of education is required to undertake the program regardless of whether you’re going to buy a smaller car or you’ve seen an SUV such as the Chevrolet Equinox for sale. Several restrictions such as the number of driving hours and the number of passengers are put in place to reduce any chance of an unfortunate incident. With these GDL requirements and your vigilance and advice, you can protect your teen drivers.
Lead by example
Even though teens might be cocky and fearless, they do not have the experience you have when driving. They will often pick up on your cues when you drive, so you should lead by example. Set good standards by practicing safe driving techniques for them to follow suit when driving on their own.
General rules to follow
1. Avoid speeding
Speed is another leading cause of accidents. Cars make our commute faster, but it is better to arrive alive. Avoid speeding as much as you can; stick to the speed limits just enough to be comfortable in traffic. As inexperienced drivers, teens do not yet have a grasp on how fast can be too fast. Let them know this and insist that they stick to the speed limit or below.
2. Buckle up
No matter your level of experience as a driver, the one rule you should always follow is to secure your seatbelt. This is the only way to make sure that your safety is assured and any damage is mitigated. Make it clear to them that buckling up is the first step to safe driving.
3. Stay away from the phone
One of the major causes of car accidents is being on the phone. And shockingly, several people see nothing wrong with doing so while driving. However, this is a bad and unsafe practice that can lead to loss of concentration and an accident. Never text or watch the phone screen once you are behind the wheel. You can always attend to your texts, calls, etc. when you get to your destination.
Though the stats may seem scary, there are still many teen drivers out there who are doing the right thing. Instill the right attitude concerning driving in your teen driver and ensure that they follow all the safe driving protocols. Let them understand that they risk losing their license or face jail time if they disregard such driving regulations.
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