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Thinking of pimping your ride for higher resale value?
Well, not all mods add to your car's resale value. In fact, some can increase the cost of your insurance premiums and other such expenses and decrease the resale value- for example improving the cars performance and speed.
Therefore it is important that you know which of the upgrades are good for your car's resale value and which ones you need to avoid. In this post, we have listed some of the best upgrades you should think of when upgrading your car for higher resale value.
1. Infotainment
Technology has taken the motor industry by storm over the last few years. Car buyers are looking for cars that have the latest entertainment features such as Bluetooth enabled entertainment systems, Wi-Fi and voice-enabled applications like Siri.
Some cars, especially older models do not come with these features. Therefore, adding them can be a big plus on the car’s resale value.
2. Luxury seats
One thing that is common in the luxury car market is leather seats. Upgrading your car’s upholstery to leather gives your car a touch of elegance and sophistication and makes it look more luxurious.
Not only does leather upholstery make your vehicle look and feel better but it also a tougher, more durable material to have on cars seats and the interiors. Leather seats last way longer than ordinary seats - which is a great selling point for a higher value.
When looking to add leather seats it is important to look for seats that have colours other than black. Think of red, orange or brown seats. These colours don’t attract as much heat during summer days as dark colours do, thus keeping your car cool.
3. Tinted windows
As long as the tint doesn’t violate any legal requirement, tinted windows are a great add-on and almost a must-have for regular drivers.
A carefully executed tint job can also add a bit of mystique and make your car look sleeker which is a plus when you put up your car on the market. Tinted windows also make a car more secure by concealing the interior and its contents, deterring potential burglars.
4. Rims
Revamping your car’s tires can easily boost its resale value. When upgrading your car's tires, think of alloy rims. Alloy rims are stylish, lighter and stronger than metal rims. This makes them reduce wear and tear and provide a better grip on the road for improved manoeuvrability.
Alloy rims also conduct heat which cools your car’s brake pads more effectively. This allows the car owner to save money in the long run by reducing brake pads wear.
5. Paint
Many young buyers are looking for something that looks like it comes from the 'fast and furious’ movie. They will, therefore, pay for a cheaper imported car than spend a lot on mods like a metallic paint job to make it stand out from the crowd. A metallic paint job is, therefore, an easy way out when looking to boost the value of your car.
Not only does a metallic paint job look good, but it also does a good job at hiding scratches and dents, it is less likely to fade thus keeping the car looking fresh and new longer.
Final Thoughts
When thinking of upgrading your car for higher resale value, this list offers you a great place to start. Always keep in mind that any changes you make must not jeopardise the car safety. Nobody wants an accident, and if you have one for any reason please, contact an attorney.
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