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There are plenty of reasons people buy and drive a Land Rover. Ask any driver of a Discovery or an older model and they’ll reel off much the same list of priorities that make these 4x4s their ideal car. Reliability, practicality, the ability to hold their value in a marketplace where that is rare: there’s no doubt they’re a useful vehicle to have.
One additional factor that people should consider is precisely how beneficial a Land Rover is to a driver’s ability to do their job - or to find a new job, if they need. For many jobs, the employer will insist on the ability to drive, and on employees having access to a vehicle. In some, it would be a good idea to demand that potential employees drive a Land Rover, because the workhorse nature of the vehicle makes them absolutely ideal for a range of jobs. Just a few examples are laid out below.
Delivery driver
Whether you work directly with a supplier, or choose to work for or as a courier, the benefits of a Land Rover are immediately obvious. They have the ability to handle large loads without losing performance, are hugely beneficial for towing jobs (which adds extra capacity), and they can really clock up the miles without bringing a great deal of stress.
Delivery driving can mean long hours behind the wheel, and this is something that a Land Rover can handle better than most cars, making it the perfect vehicle for a delivery driver - which, as bbc.co.uk explains, is a job that is becoming more essential in these quarantine times.
So let’s be clear here, you shouldn’t go out and get a veterinary degree just because you have a Land Rover, but if you’re a vet, or aiming to become one then there is no better drive. Many of your callouts will take you to farms, which are often best reached off-road, and you can benefit from the additional space to take animals safely to the nearest hospital if necessary.
While off-road driving can do some damage to your car, a quick call to the likes of justwheelrepair.co.uk will make things good as new, and the inner workings can be relied upon to handle hard treatment. As a result, your patients and customers will be able to call on you with confidence.
It’s always worth checking with mechanics to see what kind of car they drive - after all, they know better than anyone which vehicles end up needing repair most often. A resounding chorus of people who work with cars will tell you that a Land Rover is a good choice, for more than one reason. Mechanics love Land Rovers because they are the perfect vehicle on which to practice: they’re easy to maintain and modify, and nothing ever seems to go seriously wrong with them. In addition to this, mechanics can often be called out to complicated repair jobs, so you want a vehicle that can go anywhere, which Land Rovers are famous for.
In short, a Land Rover is the perfect vehicle for a range of jobs, and their ability to clock up the miles without complaint makes them the perfect commuting vehicle for a lot of others.
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FunRover is a place for Land Rover enthusiasts to gather as a community and discuss the best 4x4 vehicles ever produced. We're building a library of high quality resources & articles to help owners along in their Land Rover ownership.
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