Ben Gribbin
July 16, 2014
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Here's a strong, simple & cheap (around £20 or $40) way of securing your waffle boards / sand ladders. You'll need a roof rack, though you could adjust this to mount directly to the roof or side panels of a Defender. All you need is the above parts and around 30 minutes.

Parts Needed
- 3 x M12 Bolts
- 9 x M12 Flat or Penny Washers
- 3 x M12 Small washer
- 3 x M12 Nuts
- 3 x M12 Wing Nuts
- 1 x 12mm Drill Bit
When a genuine style roof rack is fitted, or a brown church rack, you may need to purchase U bolts instead of the above
Here's the set-up we're using:
Assembly is easy. Add a washer to your bolt, then an M12 nut, then 2 washers and the wing nut. 3 of these supports are extremely strong, together holding 2 of our boards without any movement or wobble what so ever.
Step 1: Measure the board
First up, you'll need to measure your board / ladder for convenient places to mount it. You might just hold it up to your rood rack and eyeball it, but you'll need for the bolts to be:
- Level
- In-line with holes in the board
- Through solid surface on the roof rack
As every roof rack and bridging ladder set-up is different, we'll leave you to figure out the best place to position your ladders. Our Trek Overland aluminium rack has 3 solid leg supports, which just so happened to line up with equal & symmetrical holes in the GRP grating we use.
Step 2: Centre punch and drill holes
Step 3: Insert bolts
Step 4: Add the washers and nuts
Step 5: Mount your waffle boards

Carefully place your boards on the bolts, pushing the board flat to the last washer you slipped over the bolt. Then the last washer.
Step 6: Add your wing nut & tighten

Cinch down the wing nut on each bolt, and the boards are secured to the rack. For extra security, you could drill a small hole in the bolt to accept a padlock or chain the boards to the roof rack with a bike lock. We chose to use a solid D lock.
Liked this post, let us know! How have you fitted your bridging ladders?
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