Ben Gribbin
February 28, 2011
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29th November 2011
Keith kindly sent us some snaps of his trusty 1990 200 Tdi D90 Station Wagon. This 90 now resides with a neighbour, who was dragged out of a Shogun and given a lesson in what a proper 4x4 can do. The 90 can be found still towing vintage tractors to charity events and the like. And it's still going strong - what else would you expect?
The shot with rib was taken during a ‘Lions Club’ charity walk organized for the local ‘River Rescue’ team who had recently lost their two outboards to vandals, the goal being to raise funds to replace them. Well done Keith, this is the perfect little 90 and it certainly shows Land Rovers do exactly what they say on the tin - work and look good in the process!
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8 Almost Useless Land Rover Mods
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