Ben Gribbin
December 14, 2015
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8 Almost Useless Land Rover Mods
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Updated: What Makes a Defender Iconic?
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This is Spray booth MK2 which I'll show in a future episode, it's working very well, cutting humidity to the low 30s and upping the air temp to a solid 20+ celsius. It means that I can get the whole car painted even if it's freezing outside and the workshop is only 1 or 2 degrees warmer.
Once the wheels had been cured in the booth I took them along to a local tyre fitters
I've chosen the Wolf HD rims (as seen on Heritage edition Defenders). These are tough, strong and quite cheap.
Along with tubeless Goodyear MTR tyres, another factory fit option.
The tyre fitter used a product known as Rim Seal that has anti-corrosion properties as well as adding lubrication for the next step
The tyre fitting machine has a large guide that eases the tyre bead of the lip of the wheel.
Finally, the tyres are inflated to manufacturer specifications, this helps to seat them too (watch the video too see how loud this stage is!)
Here they are mounted up in daylight, the colour and finish is perfect! The SIP HVLP gun I used works well for the money!
The tyre fitting guide can score the lips of the wheel, which is no real problem!
I simply wiped it clean with alcohol then used an artist brush to touch in the scrapes.
Whilst the repairs are drying, I dropped in the pads - EBC Green stuff to match the EBC performance disks. This Land Rover will stop on a penny if needs be!
Not keen on the colour, but the wheels will cover them up!
Lifting the wheels onto the longer Wolf FRC7577 extended wheel studs - expensive but designed to work with the Wolf rim
Nipping the nuts up, they need to be torqued to 170NM after lowering the Landy of it's jacks.
All 4 wheels fitted!
Fitting up the alternator / vacuum pump whilst the engine is still on the stand
This has been painted with a high temp paint to match the rest of the engine
Now it's time to finally drop the engine back in the 90! This feels like it's finally getting somewhere!
The engine needs to be lifted over the front crossmember between the dumb irons. The engine crane is an extremely useful tool, I love it! It's also useful to have 2 people here, one to jack and watch the near side, whilst the other guides in the engine from the other.
Fitting an engine to a rolling chassis is great, there's nothing in the way! Takes about a minute!
And that's it for this week, need to get cracking now as I would still like to hit my deadline of January 1st XD
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